Belleville Chiropractor | Dr. Royce Resco
I was a quiet miracle until I was 9 years old, then I became a loud miracle.
What is a “quiet miracle”, you ask? It is the experience of a human being expressing health and vitality due in large part to regular chiropractic care from birth. I had the privilege of having parents that understood the value of wellness chiropractic care for their children. As a result, I didn’t experience any “loud sicknesses” and I barely knew who my pediatrician was. The only time I remember being treated in his office was for a severe rash from poison ivy, and even that was a normal response of my immune system to me being stupid enough to wrap myself in a blanket that had been used to cover the ground (and the poison ivy) under a mulberry tree that we were picking berries from! However, I knew our family chiropractor, “Doc” Dean very well. I always looked forward to visiting his office whether it was to boost my immune system to fight off a sniffle or just “to get my power turned on”!

Dr. Royce Resco adjusting a patient.
I became a “loud miracle” after slipping and falling on the cement floor of the gym in 3rd grade. It seemed like every joint in my back popped when I landed on my side. The pain was excruciating and I couldn’t stand or walk without assistance. My gym teacher wanted to call an ambulance, but the principal called my parents first and they came and picked me up and took me to “Doc” Dean’s office. He took x-rays that showed my spine was shaped like a ‘S’ and it had been straight before I fell. He then gently adjusted my spine and I was able to walk out of the office unassisted. After a short series of adjustments, I was was back to being a “quiet miracle” again!
Three things motivated me to become a chiropractor: 1. My personal chiropractic health experience; 2. “Doc” Dean’s compassion for his patients and his obvious passion for chiropractic; 3. My older brother Arlin becoming a chiropractor 7 years before me, paving the way and showing me that the intense academic challenge could indeed be met.
My Education
My education started on a farm just outside of Clyde, KS. I graduated Valedictorian of my high school class. I then attended Kansas State University. I chose Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, MO (a suburb of St. Louis) over my brother’s alma mater, Cleveland College of Chiropractic in Kansas City, MO just because it was further from home (my maverick side showing) and it had a nicer looking campus (I guess that would be my shallower side showing, huh?)! I graduated Summa Cum Laude and Valedictorian of my class in 1994. I particularly enjoyed being an anatomy lab teaching assistant because it gave me an opportunity to master the material and get acquainted with more of my fellow students.
Chiropractic is based on 4 basic things:
- The human body is a self-regulating and self-healing organism. If you cut your finger, it heals. If you cut the finger of a corpse, it doesn’t heal. Life heals.
- The nerve system is the master system of the body. Your ability to walk, talk, think, and love — everything you do as a human being is controlled and coordinated by the nerve system.
- When the body is unable to adapt to physical, chemical and emotional stresses, interference to the function of the nerve system occurs. This interference of nerve function creates imbalances in the muscles of the body causing areas of the spinal column to move incorrectly and misalign thereby stretching, pinching, and irritating the nerve system even further. This is called subluxation. Subluxations are common in our society today and have adverse effects on human health and performance.
- Chiropractors locate and correct subluxations in order to restore normal nerve function. Chiropractors also coach people on how to adapt to stress more effectively.
What makes our office unique?
- There are two types of chiropractic offices. One is referred to as a limited scope practice. These chiropractic offices limit their practices to back and neck pain only. Our office is a full spectrum chiropractic practice. We focus on your wellness rather than your illness. We are concerned about your symptoms, but are more focused on empowering your body to heal itself. We strive to improve the level of your general health and well-being, and that of your family.
- We pride ourselves in taking excellent care of people of all ages. Chiropractic care has shown itself to be wonderfully effective in caring for kids suffering with common childhood challenges like middle ear infections, colic, asthma, bed wetting, etc. We encourage parents to have their children checked even if they appear to be healthy, because subluxations are many times asymptomatic and are caused by the stresses involved in the delivery process, falls, sports activities, etc. We want to see children growing up free of subluxation and having the best opportunity possible to develop to their maximum potential.
- We have the latest computerized technology available to detect nerve disturbance and to monitor our patient’s progress. This technology is completely non-invasive and extremely easy to use on infants and adults alike.
- We encourage our patients to take responsibility for their own healthcare through “lifestyle coaching” in the form of workshops, access to our lending library and other resources such as this website.
On a personal note…
I grew up on a farm outside of Clyde, KS. My wonderful wife Jody and I met at a church convention in Colorado. We were married 1991 and our common faith has helped us be a happily married couple. Our pride and joy is our son, Logan. We had the privilege of adopting him at birth in September 2007. He is a chiropractic “quiet miracle” in progress! We really enjoy our two goldendoodle dogs named Oscar and Ollie! They are definitely family! Jody and I both enjoy working in our yard and garden, helping out on the farm during harvest and planting time, biking, hiking, and traveling.
Chiropractic has been a lifestyle for me and my family since I was born. I’ve received chiropractic care on a regular basis all my life. On average, as a child I was checked/adjusted once a month, but as an adult I’ve been checked/adjusted once a week. Jody wasn’t introduced to chiropractic care until she met me. But since that time she has been adjusted at least 1-2 times a week and consequently has seen the curve of her scoliosis reduce dramatically. Our son, Logan, enjoys getting his weekly chiropractic wellness checkups.
I really enjoy playing racquetball and pickleball 2-3 times a week, bike riding, and taking our goldendoodles on a run. My wife, Jody, practices Yoga and Pilates, rides the bike, plays pickleball, and takes our goldendoodles on walks.
Our Personal Health Habits
Jody and I both make a concerted effort to eat healthy. We invest in organic produce, meat, and other products. Jody does a lot of juicing for us and we both take wholefood supplements.
As a result of our chiropractic lifestyle, we’ve rarely had the need for any drugs whether prescribed or over-the-counter. The chiropractic lifestyle allows the greatest drug store ever created (our own body) to be as efficient as possible.
Thanks for taking the time to visit our site.
I look forward to the opportunity of meeting you in person and discussing how we can help you meet your healthcare goals. Call Resco Chiropractic today to make an appointment!